Crying is Therapeutic – 6 Benefits of Crying

Holdingspace/ February 7, 2022/ Emotional Healing

Crying is a natural function of our bodies. We all cry sometimes, for instance when we feel sad, when we’re grieving, when we feel moved, or frustrated. Some people cry more than others, and it is also believed by some that not crying at all can be dangerous to our health. 

On a physical level, humans can produce tears for a variety of different reasons (for instance when peeling an onion), but tears that we shed in response to emotions are chemically different – they contain a higher level of stress hormones than other types of tears.

Many of us felt that deep relief that can overcome our body after a crying “session”, and that alone is an indicator of the therapeutic value of tears. Science has a lot to add to this theory though. Over the years, numerous studies have shown that crying can help relieve stress and improve our mood. 

Below are some of the benefits of crying that were identified by research:

1. Crying helps to restore emotional balance

2. Tears contain stress hormone that we release when we cry

3. Good long cry can release oxytocin and endogenous opioids (endorphins)

4. Crying activates parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest mode)

5. Social function: tears trigger empathy, compassion, and soften anger in others

6. It reduces the body’s manganese level – a mineral that affects the mood (elevated manganese level = anxiety)

Crying is something we often do in psychotherapy. As we’re allowing ourselves to feel our feelings, we might release the energy of those emotions through our tears. It’s often easier to cry in our therapist’s office when we feel safe, held, understood and accepted. When we release our sadness, we can return to balance, recenter and find our ground. 

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